
Simple Machines Flipbook

Here is an example of the simple machines flipbooks created by the students. Under each flap, the students listed examples of each type of machine. 

Template available for purchase here: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Simple-Machines-Flipbook-1159861

Contractions Flip Book

Contractions Activity--Each contraction type ('ve, 'll, n't, 's..etc) was written on a different color of paper. This picture shows all of the flip books we made stacked on top of each other in order to keep all of them together.

Boards from 2011-2012

These were the bulletin board displays that I created from scratch for science class as well as homeroom this school year (2011-2012). 
This board was created to review the parts of the eye. It was drawn by me using crayons. I printed the labels on cardstock and laminated them. This board was used as an interactive review by covering up the labels with sticky notes and having the kids locate the parts as I called them out. 

I created this board in conjunction with our Simple Machines unit. For each of the simple machines we studied, the students drew pictures of examples of the machines. As we covered each machine, I added them to the board. When we completed the unit, I used the pictures to review each type of simple machine by showing the kids the pictures and asking them to identify each one. 

This is a board inside of my classroom that I created to weave all of the student names together like a crossword puzzle. I typed/printed/cut duplicates of each letter of the alphabet and then used puzzlemaker.com to create a crossword with the names and transferred the design onto the board with my letters. 

This board was used to show the parts of the ocean floor, the ocean movements and the water cycle. The labels were covered up with sticky notes to provide an interactive review at the end of the unit. 

This board was used to study the parts of the ear. I drew the parts in crayon and labeled each part by printing them on cardstock. Again, I covered the labels at the end of the unit with sticky notes to create an interactive review.